Mural up
Modern Slavery
Park Baptist Church
Nik Vaughn
Clewer Initiative
Great Yarmouth

Modern Slavery Mural in Great Yarmouth

Approximately 136,00 people are trapped in slavery across the UK. This hidden but terrible crime is taking place in every community, including our own.

Mural plus people smaller

Inspired by a Southend anti-slavery mural painted in 2019, Park Baptist Church and Imagine Norfolk Together commissioned a painting for Great Yarmouth to raise awareness of the issue locally. The work was produced by artist Nik Vaughn.

The mural depicts four of the most common industries where modern slavery occurs: carwashes, nail bars, construction and domestic work, and is accompanied by a plaque with further details from the Clewer Initiative on how to spot the signs of the problem.

The mural was unveiled on Anti-slavery day (18th October) by Rev. Dr Dan Pratt who founded The Together Free Foundation, and who is editor of the book "Slavery-free Communities: Emerging Theologies and Faith Responses to Modern Slavery."

The mural can now be seen on the wall of the Middlegate / Michael Blank hut on Townshend Close.

Dan Pratt

Find out more

Find out more about how to spot the signs of modern slavery and report any concerns.

Click here